La croisière s’amuse à Cozumel / Carnival Cruises in Cozumel

Article in English below

Hein? Oui, oui toujours en vadrouille. C’est le carnaval ! Ah, chicachicachica ! Cozumel où je viens de passer 3 jours est une île escale pour croisés du loisir flottant. Bref, une foultitude de bateau de croisière se bouscule au port et les boutiques n’ayant d’yeux que pour eux affichent donc leurs prix en US$.

Le propriétaire de pesos se sent soudain comme un malpropre en terre étrangère. Mais sinon, ach qu’est ce qu’on s’amuse !

What? Yeah, yeah, still traveling and it’s carnival! Ya, chicachicachica! Cozumel where I’ve just spent 3 days is a haven pour cruise ship aficionados. A lot of these albino vessels decorate the port and the shops compete for their attention with colored US$ signs.

With pesos you suddenly feel a bit out of place but otherwise, ach! fun is my middle name!

Stéphanie2low Stéphanie, mon hôte à Cozumel, Nathalie Schon, 2010.


Carnival & Cruise Ship in Cozumel, Nathalie Schon, 2010

cozumel3lowCarnival & Cruise Ship in Cozumel, Nathalie Schon, 2010


En route pour Playa del Carmen/On the way to Playa del Carmen, Nathalie Schon, 2010

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Une réponse à to “La croisière s’amuse à Cozumel / Carnival Cruises in Cozumel”

  • lamirabelleNo Gravatar:

    I’m talking about my couchsurfing hosts when I write about my hosts. Never heard of it? Well, easy. Go on and suscribe unless you:
    1) Are mentally unstable (I mean it, tell it also to your evil twin)
    2) Are confusing your shrink appointment with a couchsurfing experience or the other way round.
    3) Expect to just travel for free (actually to bring a gift, cook or invite your hosts would be kinda nice)
    4) Want to hit on babes or Calvin Klein male underwear models (generally not a good idea)
    5) Are looking for confirmation that you are a) gorgeous (whether you are or not) b)the next Nobel Price winner (unless you may be) c) a great cook (unless you are) etc…
    6) Want to shoot a remake of 1984 (people actually enjoy democraties and don’t like to be drowned in rules more difficult to remember and to enjoy than the rules of scientology).

    That being said, except a few lunatics here and there, I had great experiences. So consider joining! It’s always a good idea to increase the pool of the cool, smart, brilliant, funny travelers like myself.

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